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Goal Image
Parents / Guardians


Parents/Guardians have a great influence on a child’s enjoyment in football. They also have a huge influence on a child’s behaviour and their attitude towards other players, officials and the manager/coach.  The Club therefore expects parents/guardians to always set a good example to all the players.

  1. I will be a positive role model, always encouraging the players.
  2. I will at all times show respect, good attitude and sportsmanship to match officials, manager/coaching staff, parents/guardians, including the oppositions at all times.
  3. Respect the manager’s decision at all times, and give the manager and players support at all times.
  4. Never use inappropriate, foul, abusive or racial language to any players, manager/coaching staff, parents/guardians, including the opposition.
  5. I understand that I am responsible for the prompt payment of any subscriptions due to the Club.
  6. Fully support the Club at all times, and comply with the Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct and ensure that my child complies with the Player’s Conduct at all times.
  7. I will never enter the field of play.
  8. Always accept an official’s decision without any adverse comment and without showing any form of dissent.
  9. Accept that it is the sole discretion of the manager with regard to match selection and player’s position.
  10. I will be responsible for my child to be on time for training sessions and matches.
  11. I accept that sometimes a training session may slightly run over with regards to time.
  12. I understand that it is unacceptable for me to be late when collecting my child from training/matches.
  13. I understand that the manager and his appointed deputies are unpaid volunteers.
  14. I accept that serious or persistent breaches of any Code of Conduct may result in my child’s dismissal from Bush Hill Rangers F.C.

Player’s Name………………………………………………


Signed ……………………………………................………… Parent/Guardian


Print Name ……………………………………… Dated ……………………………

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