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All Players registering with Bush Hill Rangers FC, must understand and agree to comply with the Club’s Codes of Conduct.

  1. I will always demonstrate fair play and have respect for my fellow players and opposition at all times.
  2. I will always play the best of my ability and abide by the rules of the game.  I will not show any violence, dangerous play, bullying, foul, abusive or racial language to my fellow players, manager/coaching staff, parents/supporters, officials, including the opposition.
  3. Always accept the referee’s/official’s decisions without any adverse comment and without showing any form of dissent.
  4. Turn up appropriately dressed and in good time for the start of a training session.
  5. Pay attention to the manager/coach and never talk whilst they are giving instructions.
  6. Be prepared to learn and to concentrate fully during training.
  7. Treat your team mates and manager/coach with respect.
  8. I will attend as many training sessions as possible, giving as much notice to my manager if I will be unavailable for training or matches. I will always wear the appropriate clothing and have shin pads on at all training and match games.
  9. I understand that it is my manager’s sole discretion with match selection and the position I play in.
  10. Apart from my school team, I will only play for Bush Hill Rangers F.C., other than by agreement with my manager.
  11. I accept that the football kit, tracksuit and any other items supplied to me, will always remain the property of Bush Hill Rangers F.C., and that the payment of subscriptions does not entitle me to the kit provided.  I will take care of these items and return them if requested.
  12. I will be held responsible for replacing any lost items whilst in my custody.
  13. I understand that if I have at any time any concerns or complaint I will tell my manager.
  14. I understand that serious or persistent breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in my dismissal from Bush Hill Rangers F.C.          
  • Signed ……………………………………………………… Dated …..………………………

    Print Name ……………………………………………………


    Witnessed By ………………………………………………… Parent/Guardian


    Print Name …………………………………………………….


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